Tag Archives: anxiety

12 Types of Stress-Relieving Adult Coloring Books that Make Great Gifts

It’s gift time again and I’m on a budget, not to mention that in my opinion most of my family and friends already have everything they need. So I’m going to be giving adult coloring books as gifts and I have a great list of different types of books that might interest you if you’re considering doing the same.

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Can Adult Coloring Books Really Help Ease your Anxiety?

Coloring Isn’t Just Child’s Play Anymore

I know you’re probably thinking that coloring in a silly adult coloring book is the last thing you would consider to help you ease your symptoms of anxiety. Especially if you’re fighting off panic attacks as well, coloring probably seems childish at best.

However, coloring in adult coloring books seems to be the new craze when it comes to easing anxiety and helping adults to relieve stress. There are many coloring books being published that are aimed at the “stressed out” adult population and are very popular indeed.

When you live with anxiety and panic attacks day in and day out it tends to make you a very serious and uptight person. Believe me I know because I have to deal with anxiety, nervousness, fear and panic from the moment I wake up to the time I go to bed.

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How the Hell do You Relax with GAD? 10 Ways to Alleviate Anxiety

Recognizing Uptight Behavior Patterns:

Have you ever noticed that even when you’re engaging in relaxing activities you can feel tension creeping into your body? I’m sure you’re aware that if you have to tackle generalized anxiety disorder you know the amount of anxiety and tension you carry around on a daily affects how you function in this world.

I know it sounds kind of weird but I recently came to the realization that I didn’t know how to relax even when I was doing relaxing things! Even when I tried to relax by soaking in a warm bath with scented oils or just sitting in the park under a sturdy oak tree taking in the scenery, I noticed I was tense and fidgety.

Sadly I also recognized that pretty much my entire family was also this way, from my grandmother, father and cousin. I was determined however to break away from the pact and teach myself how to relax. Continue reading

PTSD Diagnosis: Not Just a Soldier’s Disorder!

Often times when picturing someone suffering from PTSD, an ex soldier comes to mind.

The media fills us with images of veterans coming back from war, having problems adjusting to civilian life, isolating themselves and having vivid flashbacks of the horrors they witnessed in combat.

Now I’m certainly not disputing that going to war, then coming back home and trying to adjust to “normal” life isn’t challenging. My heart goes out to all vets and their families that live this scenario.

I am a product of a military family and my father was a Vietnam vet who suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome. So I know first hand the challenges presented from growing up in the military lifestyle! Continue reading

What Causes Panic Disorder? Could Your Genetics Be a Major Cause?

Although there’s much debate over what really causes anxiety/panic disorder, anyone dealing with these issues knows all to well that there’s no question that living with this condition is very painful and often debilitating.

Family Members

One of the clearer memories I have of my childhood is going shopping with my dear grandmother. She smiled through the whole thing being the sweet person that she was. I could sense, even as a child, that she was very nervous and uncomfortable.

The world for her, it seemed was too hectic and that she dealt with it because she had to. I also remembered how pleasant and happy she was when she was in less stressful situations or in a more peaceful environment.

Have you ever considered that one of the causes of anxiety/panic disorder is that is runs in your family? Maybe you’ve noticed that a close or distant relative suffered this condition of hypersensitivity, anxiousness and/or nervousness. You might also have witnessed a relative have a panic attack. Continue reading

Taking Fish Oil for Anxiety

There are an incredible number of reasons why fish oil is one of the best supplements you can take for your health. Recently, a study came out that makes it a particularly good choice for readers of this site. It has been found to decrease anxiety by at least 20% in a study run using medical students.

This is one of the first studies of its kind, if not the first. It reaffirms what many have known for a long time– those who live in populations where they eat a lot of fish and other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids tend to have lower rates of depression and anxiety. Continue reading

Control Panic and Anxiety

You’re on this site because you’re desperate to control your panic and anxiety. I know exactly where you’re coming from, because I’ve been there. In fact, that’s why I started this site in the first place. I wanted to create something that could be a great resource to those who are struggling with anxiety and panic.

It’s hard for those who’ve never experienced these symptoms to fully understand what we go through. They are quick to tell us to just “get through it,” when it could never be that simple. I want you to know that you’re not alone and you never will be. There are ways to get through this. What works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. It’s about finding your path to relief. Continue reading