Taking Fish Oil for Anxiety

There are an incredible number of reasons why fish oil is one of the best supplements you can take for your health. Recently, a study came out that makes it a particularly good choice for readers of this site. It has been found to decrease anxiety by at least 20% in a study run using medical students.

This is one of the first studies of its kind, if not the first. It reaffirms what many have known for a long time– those who live in populations where they eat a lot of fish and other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids tend to have lower rates of depression and anxiety.

How does this work? Researchers think it might have something to do with omega-3 fatty acids helping to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation can cause a host of issues in our body– including mental disorders and mood disorders.

It will be exciting to see what additional research comes out in this area. There are so many people dealing with anxiety on a daily basis who do not want to turn to manufactured medications. It makes sense to turn to nature. In this case, taking fish oil supplements even if you don’t consume fish on a daily basis…or ever.

Apart from this study, many believe that taking cod liver oil can be even more healthful and beneficial. Those of the Weston A. Price lifestyle believe fermented cod liver oil can have even better effects on your health.

Fish oil, and omega-3 fatty acids in general, are important for overall health. This is wonderful for those who approach their health and anxiety with a holistic approach– which is what I heartily recommend.

You can start to consume more fish or take fish oil in capsules. They also make it in liquid form. It’s important to choose a brand that avoids mercury contamination. It’s best if the fish oil is processed as little as possible so you get the full benefit. There are some companies who process nearly all the benefits out of their fish oil or have added, unnatural components. If you can, the liquid versions might give you the best benefit.

Do not expect to see results immediately, though some do report results faster than they expected. This is just one component of your journey for health, happiness, and a decreased number of panic attacks and anxiety. I think you’ll be thrilled with the results of taking fish oil for your anxiety– and for your body in general!

P. S. Positivity and Persistence is Key

Medical Disclaimer: I am not a professional therapist and any information that you read on this website is not intended to be medical advice. If you are seeking such advice it is best that you consult a physician in your area. The information that I present is from my personal experience and is also gathered from others who are dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. It is my hope that the information is useful but isn’t intended to provide anyone with professional guidance. Earnings Disclaimer: Sometimes I will recommend products that I have often tried myself. But not all of the products I recommend I have personally used, but I have done extensive research to make sure they are products that are indeed helping others. I am an affiliate of Clickbank, Amazon and Viglink, and even though I make a small commission if you click a link and purchase a product, my main motivation in creating this blog is to inform and help others who are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks.

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