Don’t Let Feelings of Shame Make your Anxiety Worse! Part 1

People that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks tend to be really hard on themselves about not measuring up because of their condition. In fact often times the shame and embarrassment is just as bad, if not worst, than the anxiety itself.

But feeling guilty and “less than” everyone else isn’t going to help you conquer your feelings of inadequacies, in fact it is just going to make the situation worst.

Believe me I know better than anyone how inadequate one can feel living with anxiety and panic attacks. Having battled this condition for the majority of my life, I also dealt with feelings of guilt, shame and self loathing.

When I finally decided to mingle and socialize by way of local meetup groups, I not only had to worry about whether I was going to have a panic attack in front of my new acquaintances, I was dealing with an inner shame of not accomplishing as much as the others had in their lives!

I constantly reminded myself that I had no business comparing my journey in life to theirs and that I must show myself love and compassion for coming this far and not giving up.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others!

I also had to come to the point where I stopped comparing my life to others. Everyone has their own unique path to walk in this life and it’s futile to think that their path is better or worse than yours.

So it’s time for you to start giving yourself credit for dealing with this condition on a daily basis. You are courageous, brave and strong. You get up everyday and deal with the stresses of life in spite of your panic attacks and anxiety.

No ShameYou are most likely a very sensitive, caring and empathetic person as well. Now these characteristics are in no way shape or form indicative of someone who is unworthy of love and respect! So it’s high time you start showing yourself both.

Anxiety Isn’t Who You Are It’s a Condition

Anxiety isn’t who you are, it is a condition you are dealing with. You are still a good person, wife, husband, sister, brother, friend etc.

I’m telling anyone who is feeling “less than” because of your battle with anxiety to stop it right now. Think about it for a minute, if someone was suffering from cancer, schizophrenia, diabetes or any other serious disorder, your advice to them would never be to feel ashamed of it!

It is ludicrous for you to feel that you have to put yourself down for this. If you could choose to live a normal life you obviously would. No one would purposely choose to suffer in this way, so stop blaming yourself.

Can you imagine showing yourself the same amount of compassion and non judgment you would give someone else going through this?

Pat Yourself on the Back for Hanging In There

Don’t just imagine it, live it my friend! The very act of condemning yourself and feeling ashamed only causes you more suffering! Pretend that you are your very best friend and give yourself a pat on the back or a hug any time you need it.

You could easily have given up on your fight, but you continue to hang it there. That deserves recognition in itself, if not from others certainly from yourself.

I’m not professing that this will cure you of your panic attacks or daily struggles with anxiety, but it will sure make you feel a heck of a lot better than scolding yourself.

In Part 2 of this article I’m going to discuss how trying to hide your condition from others only adds to your feelings of shame.

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