Monthly Archives: March 2014

Is Singer Chris Brown’s Undiagnosed PTSD Responsible for his Anger Issues?

As I discussed in my previous article on post traumatic stress syndrome, this anxiety disorder is often not diagnosed in women, children and others who have experienced something extremely traumatic in their lives.

Could it be that even the medical establishment are trained and conditioned to recognize PTSD diagnosis in war veterans and not other segments of the population that are seeking treatment for anxiety disorders? Continue reading

Is the Fear of Having a Panic Attack in Public Causing You to Avoid Your Life?

Not to long ago I was reading about Dan Harris, an ABC anchorman that had a panic attack while he was on air. There were millions of people watching that evening and Dan said it was absolutely the most humiliating experience of his life.

I also watched the video of him having this attack, and quite frankly I couldn’t really tell he was having one. I noticed he was a bit uncomfortable, but nothing that would indicate he was in dire distress.

Then again I really don’t know why I was expecting to see something more dramatic when I know how good I was at masking my anxious feelings from others. People who have suffered from debilitating panic attacks for years, usually have mastered the art of disguising their panic attacks. Continue reading

PTSD Diagnosis: Not Just a Soldier’s Disorder!

Often times when picturing someone suffering from PTSD, an ex soldier comes to mind.

The media fills us with images of veterans coming back from war, having problems adjusting to civilian life, isolating themselves and having vivid flashbacks of the horrors they witnessed in combat.

Now I’m certainly not disputing that going to war, then coming back home and trying to adjust to “normal” life isn’t challenging. My heart goes out to all vets and their families that live this scenario.

I am a product of a military family and my father was a Vietnam vet who suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome. So I know first hand the challenges presented from growing up in the military lifestyle! Continue reading