Monthly Archives: June 2014

Don’t Let Feelings of Shame Make your Anxiety Worse! Part 2

Part 2

What You Try to Hide Usually Sticks Out Like a Sore Thumb

On another note it is thought that whatever a person tries to hide the most about themselves is what is the most obvious to others about them! Not only that the less you talk about something the bigger the shame becomes.

Not hiding your condition can actually neutralize the feelings of anxiety and shame. So for some it might be of great benefit to let others know what you’re going through.

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Don’t Let Feelings of Shame Make your Anxiety Worse! Part 1

People that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks tend to be really hard on themselves about not measuring up because of their condition. In fact often times the shame and embarrassment is just as bad, if not worst, than the anxiety itself.

But feeling guilty and “less than” everyone else isn’t going to help you conquer your feelings of inadequacies, in fact it is just going to make the situation worst.

Believe me I know better than anyone how inadequate one can feel living with anxiety and panic attacks. Having battled this condition for the majority of my life, I also dealt with feelings of guilt, shame and self loathing. Continue reading