Category Archives: Anxiety

Don’t Let Feelings of Shame Make your Anxiety Worse! Part 2

Part 2

What You Try to Hide Usually Sticks Out Like a Sore Thumb

On another note it is thought that whatever a person tries to hide the most about themselves is what is the most obvious to others about them! Not only that the less you talk about something the bigger the shame becomes.

Not hiding your condition can actually neutralize the feelings of anxiety and shame. So for some it might be of great benefit to let others know what you’re going through.

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Don’t Let Feelings of Shame Make your Anxiety Worse! Part 1

People that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks tend to be really hard on themselves about not measuring up because of their condition. In fact often times the shame and embarrassment is just as bad, if not worst, than the anxiety itself.

But feeling guilty and “less than” everyone else isn’t going to help you conquer your feelings of inadequacies, in fact it is just going to make the situation worst.

Believe me I know better than anyone how inadequate one can feel living with anxiety and panic attacks. Having battled this condition for the majority of my life, I also dealt with feelings of guilt, shame and self loathing. Continue reading

Don’t Let Your Child Suffer Unnecessarily from an Anxiety Disorder: Know the Symptoms!

It really is heartbreaking to think that your child may possibly have an anxiety disorder.  Anxiety disorders actually affect 1 in 8 children in this country.

If you suspect this is the case, addressing the issue early is paramount so that the anxiety doesn’t turn into something far more serious. Left untreated a child will often times suffer in silence and unnecessarily.

Identifying and treating any type of disorder, whether it be an anxiety disorder or any other type of illness from the onset is far easier to manage than attempting to treat it years later.

Take it from me I am someone who knows all to well how devastating ignoring an anxiety disorder can be.

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Is Singer Chris Brown’s Undiagnosed PTSD Responsible for his Anger Issues?

As I discussed in my previous article on post traumatic stress syndrome, this anxiety disorder is often not diagnosed in women, children and others who have experienced something extremely traumatic in their lives.

Could it be that even the medical establishment are trained and conditioned to recognize PTSD diagnosis in war veterans and not other segments of the population that are seeking treatment for anxiety disorders? Continue reading

PTSD Diagnosis: Not Just a Soldier’s Disorder!

Often times when picturing someone suffering from PTSD, an ex soldier comes to mind.

The media fills us with images of veterans coming back from war, having problems adjusting to civilian life, isolating themselves and having vivid flashbacks of the horrors they witnessed in combat.

Now I’m certainly not disputing that going to war, then coming back home and trying to adjust to “normal” life isn’t challenging. My heart goes out to all vets and their families that live this scenario.

I am a product of a military family and my father was a Vietnam vet who suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome. So I know first hand the challenges presented from growing up in the military lifestyle! Continue reading

Why Not Medication for Anxiety?

Some visiting this blog might wonder why I mention that medication should likely not be the first course of action for many of those with anxiety and panic attacks. You’ll have to discuss with your doctor if that is the right path for you. The most important thing is that medication should be used as part of an overall, holistic treatment plan. You can’t just cover up the symptoms and plan to get better. You have to approach the causes of your symptoms as well as imbalance in mind, body, and spirit.

There are some great medications out there that have helped a lot of people. But, many people have gone through undesirable side effects and have almost had their lives destroyed by these medications. There are even some that have shown to lead to a high risk of depression and suicidal thoughts (sadly, some have gone on to commit suicide who have taken these medications– and it has been determined to be a result). That’s not said to be scary. These medications have done a lot of good as well. Continue reading