Why Not Medication for Anxiety?

Some visiting this blog might wonder why I mention that medication should likely not be the first course of action for many of those with anxiety and panic attacks. You’ll have to discuss with your doctor if that is the right path for you. The most important thing is that medication should be used as part of an overall, holistic treatment plan. You can’t just cover up the symptoms and plan to get better. You have to approach the causes of your symptoms as well as imbalance in mind, body, and spirit.

There are some great medications out there that have helped a lot of people. But, many people have gone through undesirable side effects and have almost had their lives destroyed by these medications. There are even some that have shown to lead to a high risk of depression and suicidal thoughts (sadly, some have gone on to commit suicide who have taken these medications– and it has been determined to be a result). That’s not said to be scary. These medications have done a lot of good as well.

But, we have to look to those cultures, and even our own history, to see that there are those who do not have these horribly high levels of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks among their population. This is likely due to lifestyle and diet. Their bodies are balanced and the needs of their body are being met. Basic needs such as adequate sleep, water, exercise, and sunlight. Their foods are rich in all the right things– magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and all the vitamins and nutrients our body needs to stay active and healthy.

They are under less stress– stress, which depletes our body and mind of what they need. A simpler lifestyle would do many of us a lot of good.

We can’t change everything about our lives and about our environments. But, we can take active steps to ensure we are getting everything we need through supplementation and easy to manage lifestyle changes.

I know firsthand what it’s like to deal with anxiety and panic attacks. It’s easy to reach for the magic pill that might make it go away…but, at what cost? Along with your doctor, I urge you to take charge of your life and ensure that you are balanced in mind, body and spirit. This holistic approach can lead to the lifelong peace you crave and deserve.

P. S. Positivity and Persistence is Key

Medical Disclaimer: I am not a professional therapist and any information that you read on this website is not intended to be medical advice. If you are seeking such advice it is best that you consult a physician in your area. The information that I present is from my personal experience and is also gathered from others who are dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. It is my hope that the information is useful but isn’t intended to provide anyone with professional guidance. Earnings Disclaimer: Sometimes I will recommend products that I have often tried myself. But not all of the products I recommend I have personally used, but I have done extensive research to make sure they are products that are indeed helping others. I am an affiliate of Clickbank, Amazon and Viglink, and even though I make a small commission if you click a link and purchase a product, my main motivation in creating this blog is to inform and help others who are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks.

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