Tag Archives: medieval art

12 Types of Stress-Relieving Adult Coloring Books that Make Great Gifts

It’s gift time again and I’m on a budget, not to mention that in my opinion most of my family and friends already have everything they need. So I’m going to be giving adult coloring books as gifts and I have a great list of different types of books that might interest you if you’re considering doing the same.

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Can Adult Coloring Books Really Help Ease your Anxiety?

Coloring Isn’t Just Child’s Play Anymore

I know you’re probably thinking that coloring in a silly adult coloring book is the last thing you would consider to help you ease your symptoms of anxiety. Especially if you’re fighting off panic attacks as well, coloring probably seems childish at best.

However, coloring in adult coloring books seems to be the new craze when it comes to easing anxiety and helping adults to relieve stress. There are many coloring books being published that are aimed at the “stressed out” adult population and are very popular indeed.

When you live with anxiety and panic attacks day in and day out it tends to make you a very serious and uptight person. Believe me I know because I have to deal with anxiety, nervousness, fear and panic from the moment I wake up to the time I go to bed.

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