Tag Archives: panic disorder

What Causes Panic Disorder? Could Your Genetics Be a Major Cause?

Although there’s much debate over what really causes anxiety/panic disorder, anyone dealing with these issues knows all to well that there’s no question that living with this condition is very painful and often debilitating.

Family Members

One of the clearer memories I have of my childhood is going shopping with my dear grandmother. She smiled through the whole thing being the sweet person that she was. I could sense, even as a child, that she was very nervous and uncomfortable.

The world for her, it seemed was too hectic and that she dealt with it because she had to. I also remembered how pleasant and happy she was when she was in less stressful situations or in a more peaceful environment.

Have you ever considered that one of the causes of anxiety/panic disorder is that is runs in your family? Maybe you’ve noticed that a close or distant relative suffered this condition of hypersensitivity, anxiousness and/or nervousness. You might also have witnessed a relative have a panic attack. Continue reading