Monthly Archives: February 2014

What Causes Panic Disorder? Could Your Genetics Be a Major Cause?

Although there’s much debate over what really causes anxiety/panic disorder, anyone dealing with these issues knows all to well that there’s no question that living with this condition is very painful and often debilitating.

Family Members

One of the clearer memories I have of my childhood is going shopping with my dear grandmother. She smiled through the whole thing being the sweet person that she was. I could sense, even as a child, that she was very nervous and uncomfortable.

The world for her, it seemed was too hectic and that she dealt with it because she had to. I also remembered how pleasant and happy she was when she was in less stressful situations or in a more peaceful environment.

Have you ever considered that one of the causes of anxiety/panic disorder is that is runs in your family? Maybe you’ve noticed that a close or distant relative suffered this condition of hypersensitivity, anxiousness and/or nervousness. You might also have witnessed a relative have a panic attack. Continue reading


A Panic Away Review You Really Need to Read!

I can remember those despicable days when I didn’t want to get out of bed, because I knew exactly what was ahead of me. With complete dread I anticipated a day filled with anxiety and panic attacks that simply sucked the joy out of my life. But once I actually put into practice what the Panic Away program teaches, I started to feel that much needed relief.

Look, I know you’re tired of being nervous and on edge in situations that don’t seem to bother most people because I’ve been there.? You’re also sick of making constant excuses why you can’t make it to social engagements or holiday parties and in the back of mind you’re fearing that you family, coworkers and friends are getting tired of this behavior?

Trust me, I know your pain because I use to feel like this all the time. I mean this kind of thinking went on for years with me! I had pretty much resolved myself to the horrid fact that I was just going to have to learn to live with my anxiety. I also felt that I had to work around “life” to accommodate my panic attacks. Continue reading

How to Deal with Your Panic Attacks Using Two Powerful Tactics that Really Work!

I’m sure at this point you already know that when you’re having a panic attack, the horrible symptoms that you feel are caused because of the triggering of the fight or flight response.

Symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating and heart palpitations are there because the parasympathetic nervous system has summoned the fight or flight response. The funny thing though is that this whole system is set up not to harm you, in fact it’s there for quite the opposite.

In essence the panic attack appears in order to protect you from what it feels is the onset of a potentially harmful situation or object. It’s like a body guard that is gearing up to fight someone or flee a situation that could hurt you.

Fight or Flight
This is where the fight or flight response is stimulated in order to increase your chances of surviving. The problem is however when this response is initiated when there is only an imagined threat or worst yet, when there’s no threat at all.

Twenty Minute Waves
Panic attacks come in waves of twenty minutes even though it feels like it’s going to last forever when you’re in the middle of experiencing it. But keep in the back of your mind that it’s going to reach it’s peak within 10 min or less. Continue reading